2310682252 24 Polytechneiou Street, Efkarpia, Thessaloniki info@ireneioannidou.gr
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Small-scale licenses
Ioannidou Irini - B.A. Civil Engineer - Settlement of Arbitrary Buildings - Electronic Building Identity - Building Permits - Store Operating Permits - Thessaloniki

Ioannidou Irini, a civil engineer based in Efkarpia, Thessaloniki, provides specialized services for the issuance of small-scale permits, facilitating property owners to proceed with smaller interventions in a legal and safe manner. Small-scale permits are necessary for works that do not require a full building permit, such as repairs, reconstructions, small additions or space configurations. Ms. Ioannidou undertakes the complete preparation and submission of the file, including all the necessary studies and approvals from the competent bodies, ensuring that the project complies with applicable legislation.

With experience and professionalism, she manages every stage of the process, offering a quick and seamless solution for the implementation of your work. Whether it is repairs, interior layouts, space additions or small reconstructions, her office ensures compliance with the law and the safety of your work.